STUDIO Red Classes

Most people stay in their comfort zone. YOU PUSH BEYOND. That's why we created STUDIO-because your best you is found on the other side of your limits.


Experience boutique style HIIT classes without the boutique studio price! Our STUDIO membership offers up our most premium fitness experience. 


Get the most out of your STUDIO membership by viewing and scheduling your STUDIO classes right on our VASA app!
  • You can view class schedule right from the home screen just by clicking view class schedule (this will always bring you to your home club's schedule).
  • Choose the calendar date and all classes for that day will appear below. 
  • You can filter through specific class types by choosing the filter option or choose another location to view and schedule at.
  • Any classes still available will have the book option.
  • Click book to schedule your class. 
Canceling your class is also a breeze, we understand life doesn't always go as planned! If you find yourself unable to make your scheduled class follow these easy steps to cancel in the app. 
  • Go to schedule tab and choose "My Calendar".
  • Choose the correct date on the calendar.
  • Each day will show what you have scheduled for that date.
  • Click the "x"
  • Click delete to confirm.


If you are having issues viewing, scheduling, or canceling classes, reach out to our support team by clicking on the help icon in the right hand corner. 



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