Freeze Membership

You may put your membership on hold for up to 90 days by freezing your membership via your VASA Mobile App or by contacting Member Services at A fee of $15 will be charged per freeze request.

To freeze via your VASA Fitness app, follow these steps:

  • Click on "my account"
  • Choose cancel/pause plan.
  • Confirm yes, and pay the $15.00 fee.
  • Enjoy your time away, you will be missed!


Your membership will be resume automatically after 90 days, unless you activate it sooner. All services and access to gyms are paused. You can freeze your membership as many times as you'd like, but each time the $15.00 freeze fee is owed. Please note that your billing will resume after the hold period ends. If you check into the facility while your membership is on the freeze, the freeze will automatically be removed and your billing will resume.


If you would like your membership resume before the 90 days is up, you can remove the freeze on your membership in the VASA App. 

  • Click on "card" 
  • Click resume plan.
  • Confirm yes



If you are having issues processing the membership freeze, reach out to our support team by clicking on the help icon in the right hand corner.  

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