How do I update my billing info?
We offer several different options when it comes to updating your billing, to make this process simple and easy for you! The best way for you to update your billing is right inside your VASA app, see the steps below.
- Choose the billing tab on the “My Account” page in your app.
- Click the manage payment methods.
- Enter your new billing information OR pick from your billing history on file.
- Choose the form of billing you would like to use and enter in the requested information. (Please note that credit/debits cards do include a $2.50/month processing fee)
- Click save payment method. Your billing information has now been successfully updated!
What type of billing do you accept?
We offer a discounted rate to eligible memberships for having a checking or savings account on file. An advantage of linking your checking or savings account with your membership is you won’t have to worry about changes on card numbers or expiration dates for credit/debit cards. As long as there are funds in your account, you shouldn't have to worry about declined charges! We also accept all major credit cards. Paying with a debit/credit card will also include an additional $2.99/month processing fee.
When is my billing date?
Not sure when your next billing cycle is? Your app can keep track of this for you!
- Go to the billing tab under “My Account” in the app.
- This page will show you the current month and next months dues, including if you have a delinquent balance.
Can I change my billing date?
Our bill dates run from 1-28 of every month. Members can change their bill date to any date within this range, but this does require a 3 business day notice. To request a change in your billing date, please reach out to our support team by clicking on the help icon in the right hand corner.
Can I make payment online?
Yes! Through our Member Portal you can make payments, access billing statements and check-in history when it’s convenient for you.
Need a break from billing?
We understand that life happens, click here to view our options for pausing your membership & billing.
Why is my bill higher than previous months?
Here are a few reasons why your bill could have increased. You can always view your membership balance right inside the VASA app as well!
Rate Guarantee Fee: This $49.99 Rate Guarantee Fee locks your monthly rate for the duration of your membership. This fee is charged two months from the date you join, and every year thereafter on the same date.
Payment Return fee: For each month VASA is unable to withdraw or debit the monthly payments, or your monthly payments are declined on the regular monthly bill date for any reason, a $25 Return Fee is added to your account. You can manage your account on the VASA app and update billing with us any time your information changes.
Why do I have to have billing on file?
Having a form of billing on file helps prevent accounts from becoming delinquent, which prevents you from being charged additional fees for both missing payments and not having billing on file. More importantly it can help prevent you from being denied entry to the facilities due to delinquency.
If you are having any other questions regarding membership billing reach out to our support team by clicking on the help icon in the right hand corner.